'RIDICULOUS FUN': Scenes from the "Sexy and I Know It" music video made at Sumner Beach in the holidays.
Being chased by a pack of girls was a highlight of making a music video for Christchurch school pupil Andrei Talili.
The Middleton Grange School pupil and several friends filmed a remake of the pop hit Sexy and I Know It by United States group LMFAO.
"We decided to film it at Sumner Beach because we wanted a beach theme. It just made sense for the song," he said.
The video tells the story of three young men who become irresistible to women after spraying on deodorant.
Filming started on December 23 after several months of planning.
"We were all on the beach when the earthquakes hit that day, and it was pretty scary in Sumner," Andrei, 17, said.
"There were a lot of dust clouds and people were scared, so we cancelled filming."
The group had wanted to release its masterpiece on Christmas Day, but released it at midnight on New Year's Eve instead.
"We needed a lot of extras for the video and some of them were friends of ours, but most of them were just randoms from the beach," he said.
"We had such a good time making the video and people really got into it. It was hilarious."
The dancing clan attracted some "weird looks" from beachgoers, he said.
The video has attracted more than 10,000 views on YouTube.
"It's only been on there for just over a week, so we're pretty stoked with it."
Andrei, along with director and cameraman Sebastian Beyrer, filmed a music video for another LMFAO hit and won a radio station competition.
"It's just something we really enjoy doing and this one was just great fun," Andrei said.
Fellow video star John Bayne said Sexy and I Know It was a song that "just begs for some ridiculous fun to be had".
- © Fairfax NZ News
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